Последнее время всю историю Второй мировой войны пытаются подменить мифом "холокоста". На первый взгляд, многие статьи на сайте не имеют отношения к этому пропагандистскому мифу, суть которого заключается в подмене страданий сотен миллионов европейцев еврейскими страданиями, перевирании и выпячивании одних исторических фактов и игнорировании других. Однако, история не состоит из отдельных и изолированных явлений, поэтому все исторические факты необходимо рассматривать в их взаимодействии. Ревизия "холокоста" направлена на уточнение исторических фактов и создание сбалансированной картины происходивших событий. Чем более полной будет такая картина - тем меньше в ней места останется мифам "холокоста"..
Всеобщая декларация прав человека
Евреев на мыло
Комментарий Хорста Малера о "банковском кризисе"
Совершающееся перед нашими глазами крушение, которое с дезинформационной целью называют "банковским кризисом" или "финансовым кризисом", на самом деле является, однако, стабилизирующим систему крахом урегулирования плутократической системы - снова, вызывает споры, которые проходят мимо проблемы.
«Жертвы холокоста» оказались жертвами ГУЛАГа
«Яд Вашем» обвиняет Литву и Украину
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Роман Шухевич - головнокомандувач УПА |
«Я лично, вместе с руководством «Яд Вашем» и МИД Израиля, воспринимаю это требование как большой скандал и пример тотального ревизионизма Холокоста. Вопрос даже не конкретно в Араде, а в подходе Литвы, которая считает: если человек сражался в партизанском отряде за советскую власть, значит, он автоматически воевал против литовского народа». Глава «Яд Вашем» добавил, что факты участия литовских полицейских батальонов в карательных акциях на стороне нацистов «нелегко восприняты литовцами и привели к озлоблению людей».
"Siemens" microwave devices for disinfection of clothes in the labor camps of the Third Reich
When the war broke out in 1939, the importance of pest control, particularly for soldiers at the front, was once more accentuated, since infectious diseases were the second greatest cause of casualties among German soldiers. Hence, the Siemens Company, which had manufactured the TV transmitters, set out to develop a microwave device to kill pests, with a primary focus on killing lice as the carriers of epidemic typhus. The aim was to overcome the long exposure times and frequent ineffectiveness of older methods, such as hot air or toxic gasses, and to find a way of killing not just the insects, their eggs and larvae, but also the dangerous microbes they carried.
Together with the Reich Biology Institute in Berlin-Dahlem, two subsidiaries of Siemens were involved in the development of the first microwave device the world has ever seen. When the device was demonstrated to civilian and military authorities at the beginning of the war, achieving not only a great throughput in a very short treatment time, but also absolute certainty in killing off lice, nits and microbes, the interest of the Reichsführung of the SS – Himmler’s office – was aroused. His personnel and material support greatly facilitated the further development of microwave devices.
Initially, these facilities were supposed to be used for front-line troops, for which purpose they were mounted onto a trailer. Ultimately, however, a stationary model was given preference. To operate the device, only a 380-Volt outlet or an electric generator with that output was needed, as well as some water to moisten the items to be treated (which were not allowed to contain any metal objects).
The first camp to obtain a stationary microwave disinfestation device was Auschwitz. Its delivery had been promised for May 1943, hence the construction of some of the initially planned delousing facilities using other techniques was shelved. However, the delivery was repeatedly delayed due to problems with the development, not the least because the Siemens factories in Berlin had been bombed by Allied planes. As a result, epidemic control at the Auschwitz Camp was compromised, costing the lives of many inmates in 1943 and 1944.
The first microwave device, a mobile unit, was delivered and put into operation in early 1944 at the Birkenau Camp. A second, stationary device was installed in the reception building of the Auschwitz Main Camp a few months later and became operational in June 1944. Together with the first deliveries of the insecticide DDT to the Auschwitz Camp in April 1944, this revolutionarily effective new technology heralded the end of the need for Zyklon B and its associated fumigation gas chambers.
Adjusted for inflation, the stationary microwave delousing facility cost some two million U.S. dollars (value as of 2023). Interestingly, instead of utilizing this new technology at the eastern front to protect the lives of German soldiers, Germany’s wartime leaders decided to use it in Auschwitz to protect the lives of the inmates, most of whom were Jews. When it came to protecting lives threatened by infectious disease, the Germans gave priority to the Auschwitz prisoners. Since they were working in the Silesian war industries, their lives were evidently considered comparably important to the lives of German soldiers on the battlefield.
(For details, see Weber 1999; Rudolf 2019, pp. 311-317.)
«Моссад» сотрудничал с нацистами и укрывал их
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Эмблема Моссада |
Еще одна лохокостная "Анна Франк": на этот раз не с дневником, а с... компасом
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Обложка книги на французком.
Опус подан как "документ". |
Зачем писать про холокост в учебниках по русской истории?
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